Our firm specializes in corporate law and offers its services throughout the national territory and abroad. The most common corporate services required by Clients are the following: preliminary activity for the establishment of the company; verification of the conditions of legality and necessary fulfilments; establishment of companies; advice in choosing the type of company, in drafting the articles of association and assistance before the notary; keeping and conservation of company books; extraordinary corporate transactions: corporate reorganizations, mergers, demergers, transformations, contributions, liquidations; management of corporate assets; management of property leases and company rents; generational changeovers; planning and management in the succession of corporate ownership; company appraisals; other appraisals; Party Technical Consultancy (PTC) in arbitration or civil or criminal judicial proceedings concerning the corporate sphere;
accounting and tax due diligence; legal audit; assignments in boards of statutory auditors; transfer of shares in SRL (Italian Limited Company) without the intervention of the notary ; corporate domiciliation.